Aspiration Statement
In the vast pool of Computer Science studies, I have found my way into the sub-domains of Machine Learning and Software Development. I want to pursue my career as a Software Developer to build scalable and well-thought-of architecture-driven applications for efficient performance and better code readability. My Portfolio can be viewed at: https://github.com/EmadBinAbid.
Core Skills
- C++, C#, Python
- .NET, Angular, Ionic, React Native, PyTorch, Keras
- Photoshop, After Effects, Autodesk Maya
- MsSQL, MongoDB, DB Designer, UMLet
- Smart Contracts
- Blockchain
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Technical Writing, Reports, Documentation, Presentations.
- Algorithm Analysis, Full-Stack Development
Academic Awards / Achievements
- HU TOPS 100% Scholarship
- Texas A&M Summer Internship, College Station - Texas for Summer 2019.
- Dean’s List - Fall 2018
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Software Development Intern - TPS Worldwide
- Research and Development Intern - Habib University
- Securiti Fundamentals Certification - Securiti
- PrivacyOps Certification - Securiti
- Arctic Code Vault Contributor - GitHub (Jul 2020)
- Hacktoberfest 2019 - DigitalOcean and DEV
- Udacity Facebook Scholar - Udacity
- Paper Acceptance - LICE' 19 London International Conference on Education
- Paper Acceptance - IPMESS' 19 International Conference on Innovative Practices in Management, Engineering & Social Sciences
- Paper Acceptance - eSociety' 19
- Paper Acceptance - ICTIMESH’ 18
- Solidity 101 - Blog Series (May 2022 - Present)
- Firebase Authentication with Node.js
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Software Engineer - Stellic (Jul 2020 - Jun 2021
- Software Development Engineer - Securiti (Jun 2021 - Present)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Using Web Technologies to Create an Easy-to-Access Interface to View Metadata of a Neighbourhood: Paper on “Using Web Technologies to Create an Easy-to-Access Interface to View Metadata of a Neighbourhood” was accepted e-Society’ 19 Netherlands.
- Transport Facile: Built a freelance web and mobile application using MEAN. The application aims to solve transport information kiosks and provides real-time communication between customers and administrators.
- Aimusic: Created a deep learning Python application using Keras to automatically generate music.
- GariKhata Info Collector and Web Interface: Created a data collecting mobile application and web interface of detailed maps of area (GariKhata) for the administrators of GariKhata community, a town in Karachi, using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, CreateJS, p5.js and Python.
Final Year Project
Project Title
Prediction of Call Arrival Times and Rates
PCATR (Prediction of Call Arrival Times and Rates) is a Python package/ library to facilitate call centres by introducing predictive mechanisms in their businesses. The package exposes algorithms to predict the time for the next call, the type of next call and the count of calls within a defined interval. This project is in collaboration with an industry giant already working in the domain of facilitating call centres. (Group Project)